Tag Archives - Procrastination

How do chronic procrastinators think?

When chronic procrastinators try to remedy their behavior, they constantly fail, because their natural behavior always resurfaces in the end.  They end up seeing themselves as incapable, unreliable people and lose all their  self-confidence.   To fully understand where these evils come from, it is necessary to grasp the mental schema of a chronic procrastinator.     …

How to prevent social media  from disturbing you?

“Has someone texted me on Facebook?I hope so. It has been 10 min since I published my latest post” said my chronic procrastinator mind. Once you set out to work, what can you do NOW  to get rid on this internal distraction NOW, so that you actually do what you planned, A quick and effective solution is to shut down the source of the root cause first (internal thought) before you think addressing the symptom (Your phone).