Author Archives - Grillagemind

How do I stop procrastinating when looking for internships, Jobs, customers?

During the two previous years, I had always had last-minute opportunities from my network; friend, mentor, teacher. So I was confident with my approach. Then I found myself with zero opportunity, zero. I had to start prospecting from scratch. I was devastated with regrets. It took me two months to get a new chance. Chronic procrastinators don’t take massive action to create many opportunities. They are too optimistic about their conversion ratio. 

How can I overcome my fear of public speaking

“OK, everyone will introduce himself and describe his project a little.” That’s what the speaker said at the beginning of two-weeks entrepreneurship training. “How am I going to present mine?” I thought. I remembered I had thought about exercising my pitch a few weeks ago, but I had postponed it over and over.

“Why couldn’t I stop procrastination despite being fully aware how important it would be”?

I realized it was because I didn’t know where to start.

Does it sound familiar to you?

How to wake up earlier?

“Tomorrow it is going to be the day. I will wake up at 5.00 am, meditate for 30 min and then write 10 killing pages of my book”. That’s what my inner voice told me just before I went to bed. I was feeling guilty because I had procrastinated and hadn’t written any pages 3 days in a raw.