How do you calm down a conversation with your spouse during tense moments?
- Do you tend to explode or isolate yourself when you are afraid to express your feelings, afraid to show weakness?
- Does your discussion fall apart when you express your feelings about something that upsets you?
- Do you hesitate to express yourself because you are afraid of being misunderstood?
- Do you find it difficult to stay calm and actively listen when faced with a value judgment?
- Do you try to distance yourself from your spouse while loving him/her, feeling trapped?
There are many situations where we find it difficult to discuss as a couple. They can go from submission to revenge, through misunderstandings, disputes, escape, emotional excesses, etc.
Web conference to understand the solutions to be implemented to calm the conflicts of couple:
On the program, you will discover
- What is the reason for being in a couple?..the attraction ? the fact of being well together ? the projects to live and to build ? the desire of family ? The practical and financial aspect which is not negligible?
- Is there a starting contract ? on what basis ? Time frame? Success? Common points? etc… ;
- Or is the relationship based on a tacit agreement of “if it doesn’t work out, we stop”?
- You can ask your questions to the speaker in an interactive way
Extract of a web conference on the benevolent communication in the couple with a sophrologist educator and professionals of the accompaniment of marital problems.
Why attend?
Recurrent arguments mobilize a lot of energy, in ruminations, in fantasies about what the other might think, in questioning how he will react the next time, in multiple worries and anxieties.
On the other hand, if we can manage the altercations better, it is:
- Less stress on a daily basis, more pleasure in life
- A greater confidence in oneself and in others
- A feeling of existing and being valued, of being safe
- A feeling of well-being, harmony and congruence with oneself
- A positivity, an inner peace that you radiate around you
- A better productivity on the other aspects of life
Quality speakers (Sophrologists, marital counselors, life coaches, etc.) including Claire Dorseuil, sophrologist and educator who has been practicing Benevolent Communication for years

Who is she? A conflict management professional for adults and adolescents
After living 7 years under the influence of a narcissistic pervert, I had to relearn what benevolence in a couple, communication and serenity could be. I had to make mistakes in my approaches, understand what my needs and values were, learn to manage my emotions and the physical and psychological phenomena that result from them.
Today, I accompany young couples, sometimes still teenagers. These couples highlight the difficulties they have in understanding what it means to be in a couple in a serene and benevolent way. For many of them, the only example they have is their own parents’ couple, and they express that they do not want to reproduce the same mistakes.
From then on, it seemed necessary to me to integrate my experience, my knowledge, my observations, in this process of benevolent communication in general, and here, for couples in particular. The proposed solutions are verified to this day by my own testimony or the testimony of people I accompany.